Month: September 2012

MASH Fall Picnic

MASH Fall Picnic 201 2

Come join us at Harbourview Park, 1 867 Springfield Road.

Tuesday, September 25th, 201 2
1 0 am – 2 pm
(Subject to change, in case of rain)

There will be lots of older kids to play soccer with or little ones in the playground.
Bring your own lunch & water, blanket, balls etc.

E-mail us to let us know you are coming.
This helps us to contact you if it rains etc. See you there!

MASH Fall Orientation

MASH Fall Orientation night

Please mark your calendar and book your sitters, if you did not do so already.
You won’t want to miss this event.
Great food, Great fun and Great friendship.

Meet the new government liaison : Alan Shroeder.
He will be there to speak about his role as liaison and to answer questions.
Saturday, September 15th 2012
6:00pm-8:30pm door opening at 5:45pm
1168 Dakota St. (in Winnipeg)
Louis Riel Library in the Common Room

Nursing babies are welcomed,
if possible no older children there isn’t space to accommodate them.

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