Month: January 2013

MASH Parent's Night Out – January 27, 2013

Our 3rd MASH Parents’ Night Out is this Sunday, January 27th 2013

6:30 pm till the last person leaves to go home.

Please call or email us for location information.

Bring a NUT-FREE pot-luck snack to share. (Their daughter is highly allergic.)

This evening is for parents and nursing babies only.
New Home Schooling parents are welcome.
(A MASH membership for New Home Schooling parents is not required for their first MASH Parents’ Night Out.)
The topic of this event is Curriculum and Resources for Home Schoolers.

We encourage everyone to bring their favourite resource(s) or curriculum so we can see what others are using with success.

The evening will start with a meet-and-greet. Then Jennifer will have a short presentation about different curriculum, next a lady from the Education Library on Portage will speak, for 15 minutes, to us about the resources we can find to help us out with our home schooling. (NB: The staff from the provincial resource libraries are no longer able to attend.)  Following this, we will share as a group our resource(s) or curriculum that we are using with success. After the group discussion, we will enjoy the pot-luck snack and have a chance to mingle and ask questions. We may be able to find answers to our concerns or issues.

Also as a reminder, you can give us your cheque for the $15 MASH membership at this MASH Parents’ Night Out.
Make out your cheque to : Manitoba Association for Schooling at Home.

We are looking forward to seeing you all there,

MASH Board

MASH Parents Night Out – January 27th, 2013

Our next Parent’s Night Out will be January 27th, 2013.


Details will be posted soon, but the evening will include a short speaker, an open time for questions, and a time for sharing a potluck snack and socializing with other homeschool parents.


These events have been very successful, very informative, and very encouraging for homeschool parents of all levels.  Please join us!


More details will be posted here, on the facebook page and via email!



Homeschooling Swimming Thursday Mornings

Once again, the City of Winnipeg is offering swimming lessons to homeschool students on Thursday mornings.

The lessons are now being held at the Cindy Klassen Recreation Complex (due to the closure of Sherbrooke).

Lessons are available through the city Leisure Online registration system, by dial 311 or contacting Grant (Pool Supervisor) at 204-986-3931.

You can register this week, even though swimming registration was March 12th 2013.   It is better to register after this date, because the phone lines are very busy on that day.

Classes will start on April 4th, 2013.


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