MASH Member Tina Kirschner sends this opportunity for us to pass along. Please contact us if you are interested, and we’ll pass your info on to Tina.

Hello Fellow Homeschooler’s!

We have booked a gym once per month as it was available at CMU for a “Gym NIght”. This “Gym Night” is geared for families with ELEMENTARY aged children and younger. We are having the night for families to get together and and opportunity for dads to be involved.

The Night is lead by 1 family. We have families volunteer to lead games and activities. In the past this has worked really well. If one family takes a night then we all get to relax every other night. The format of the night varies. We have had sports themes (basketball night, football night, soccer night, hockey) we have had interactive group games going on some night and anything creative to play and have some fun together as families. We will have activities prepared for both elementary and preschool aged children. The facility will be a bit different this year so we will see how we will divide up the space the first night we meet and take it from there.

Here are some of the details:

– We will be renting the CMU facility (I am just waiting on final confirmation) (the cost is $90/night)
– We will be asking for $10.00/night/family for those who pre-pay. (we hope to be able to lower this if we get enough of a response)
– We will be asking for $15.00/night/family for those who are doing a “drop-in”
– The following are the dates we will be booking:

Friday October 25th 6-8:00pm (leading Kirschner’s)/(preschool ____________)

Saturday November 23rd 6:30-8:30pm (leading Dean’s)/(preschool _________________)

December cancelled due to busy season 🙂

January 3rd 6-8:00pm (leading_____________)/(preschool __________________)

Friday February 21st 6-8:00pm (leading Theissen’s)/(preschool ___________________)

March 7 6-8:00pm (Leading Abbott’s)(preschool ________________)

Friday April 4th 6-8:00pm (Leading Bergman’s)/(preschool ___________________)

Friday May 16th 6-8:00pm (leading______________)/(preschool ___________________)

JUNE will be an outdoor “potluck” date to be announced (either at my home or at a playground) (leading kirschner’s/other volunteer)

– We will be asking for families to volunteer to sign-up to lead activities (planning for 10-15 families) same type of thing we did last year (they said we can use their balls etc..I will let you know exactly what we will have access to at a later date)

Hopefully this email has been laid out clear enough, please if you have any question you can direct them to myself and I would be happy to answer them. I will attach the rules of the gymnasium to those who sign-up (no outdoor footwear, no drinking, no smoking, no selling of merchandise) I am sure we are all good with those rules. I will be taking responsibility the facility for these gym nights so I just ask that we make a good impression and try to clean up as best we can.

Please email me if your family would like to be involved. We will have to limit the number of families if the interest is huge, in order effectively lead games and such. We will do a first come first serve basis. Please email me with at [email protected] stating you would like to attend and how many children are in your family. And which night you would like to sign up for. If we get enough families we could have 2 leading per night (1 for the preschool and 1 for the Elementary aged children), this would really help the flow with the group and require less work for each family.

We have really enjoyed the gym night last year and look forward to all the fun we will have this year. Please Contact me by October 15th if you are interested. Hope to hear from you soon.


Tina Kirschner