Month: September 2014

Habitat for Humanity Educational Resources

MASH is sometimes asked to pass on information that might be of interest to homeschooling families. While we as an organization do not endorse these items, many of our members participate in and benefit from this information.

Habitat Logo

Here at Habitat for Humanity Winnipeg we have a great opportunity for educators to partner with us in raising awareness of the need for affordable housing in our city. Please look at the following resources available at our website as well as the attached brochure.

  1. One of the opportunities for Grades 4, 5 and 6 to begin the discussion of affordable housing in the community is the Meaning of Home Writing Contest, which runs from October 1 – November 10, 2014. For every entry, $5 is donated to Habitat so not only will the exercise be fun and relevant, but the students will be making an impact with a donation to Habitat. For more information, please check the website: and see the attached brochure.
  2. If you would like us to come and speak to your students about Habitat for Humanity’s role in providing affordable housing in our communities, please contact Kim Wilson at 204-235-2400 or kwilson at habitat dot mb dot ca. Together we can open doors to a brighter future.
  3. Habitat for Humanity also offers a variety of educational resources for your classroom. These resources support Manitoba Social Studies curriculum for sustainable development, have been developed and tested by teachers and are offered in English and French. To access all Habitat for Humanity classroom resources (Grades 3-8), please visit

It is always exciting to engage students in active learning by allowing them to explore issues relevant to their community. At Habitat for Humanity Manitoba we have created these Middle Years resource programs in order to promote the integration of social responsibility into the school curriculum.


Mary Friesen
Volunteer for School Programs
Habitat for Humanity Winnipeg
60 Archibald Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R2J 0V8
mfriesen at habitat dot mb dot ca

MASH Homeschool Information Night 2014

Hello MASH members,

You are invited to the MASH Homeschool Information Night.

September 20, 2014
Norberry Glenlee CC, 26 Molgat Ave (behind the Dairy Queen on St. Mary’s Road)
6:30-9:30 pm

Jennifer Gehman will present on the filling out of the Notification packages and her experience with the University of Winnipeg student application process (her daughter was accepted to the university Theatre department this fall.);

Karen Ridd (a long-time unschooling mother of 2 and founding member of the Winnipeg Learning Centre and Such Stuff Players) will share some ideas about creating a support group or network for yourself and your family;

and several teens, Francophones, and veteran homeschoolers will be available during the Question and Answer portion of the evening.

Bring a nut free snack to share, if you are able to.

Also, while we love children, the venue is only conducive to nursing babes.

We’re asking for a $2/per person donation to help off-set the cost of the room rental.

We look forward to seeing you,
The MASH Advisory Team

MASH Not-Back-to-School Picnic

Hello MASH members,

Welcome to a new MASH Homeschooling year 2014-2015! We hope you all had a great summer.

We’re inviting you to the MASH : Not-Back-to-School Fall Picnic.

(This year we thought of changing the venue.)

When : Thursday, September 18th at 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Where : We are going to meet at the Nature’s Playground in Assiniboine Park.

Here are some maps to help you find your way:
Here’s some information about the playground:

Rain or shine we will be sending an email out to let you all know if the picnic is happening or being pushed to the rained-out date.

Rained-out date : Thursday, September 25th at 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Please bring your own peanut-free lunch and a picnic blanket.

You can arrive early and\or stay later.

Monique Turner will be greeting MASH members at the picnic.

See you all there and be sure to dress for the weather,
Your MASH Advisory Team

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