Month: August 2017

Fall Picnic

Kick-off your fall with homeschooling friends, old and new!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017
10 am- 2 pm
Assiniboine Park Nature Playground

Rain date, September 12, 2017
All homeschoolers welcome.  See you there.

Learning Together – 2017 MASH Homeschooling Conference

Join the Manitoba Association for Schooling at Home (MASH) for a day of homeschooling encouragement!

Saturday, September 16, 9:15 am -4:00 pm
Bord-Aire CC, 471 Hampton Street

A full schedule of topics and presenters will be released soon.

EARLY BIRD TICKETS (purchased by August 27, 2017)
Individual – $30
Couples (married and common-law partners) – $40

REGULAR TICKETS (purchased after August 27, 2017)
Individual – $40
Couples (married and common-law partners) – $50

Eventbrite - Learning Together - MASH Conference

9:15 am – Registration
9:45 am – Welcome
10 am – Session #1

  • Option A: Tears, Tantrums, and Toys: Helping Our Children Grow Up with Jennifer Gehman
    What does it take to raise a healthy adult? How can we, as homeschooling parents, make this process better for ourselves and our children? What is most needful when trying to balance our roles as parent and teacher? How do we nurture our children and get them to do their math facts? This workshop looks at homeschooling through a developmental attachment approach, focusing on ways to promote strong roots, soft hearts and true growth in our children.Jennifer Gehman is a veteran homeschooling mother of 5 children. Three are now adults, and two are still learning in the living room. She holds a Bachelor of Education from bygone days and is a facilitator-in-training with the Neufeld Institute. The Neufeld Institute provides education and training to adults involved with children using the attachment-based developmental model created by psychologist Gordon Neufeld. Jennifer has been training personally with Dr. Neufeld and his faculty since 2009.
  • Option B:  Are the kids okay? – Children and mental health

    How can you best support your child’s mental and emotional well being at various stages of development? What are the signs that outside help might be warranted? Join us for this important session on kids and mental health. Lots of time for Q & A discussion.

    Joy Eidse is a mental health clinician, private therapist, and registered social worker. Joy has been involved in homeschooling both as a student and a parent, here in Manitoba, at various times, over the past 30 years.

11:00 am – Break
11:15 am – Session #2

  • Option A: Worldschooling on a Budget with Linda Harrison
    As homeschoolers, we have the opportunity to use the world as our classroom. Worldschooling is a homeschooling approach that uses experiential learning and cultural exchange. This session will cover ways to save money and learn through experience, whether it is in our city, province, country, or the world.Linda Harrison is an occupational therapist and homeschooling mom of 2 who enjoys traveling and learning with her kids.
  • Option B: The Nuts and Bolts of Homeschooling High School with Jennifer Gehman
    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the idea of homeschooling high school? Are you concerned that you don’t have the knowledge to teach the higher subjects? Do you worry that you aren’t doing enough? Are you confused about paperwork, portfolios and transcripts? Do you fear your student won’t be able to go to university? Join us as we discuss various approaches to the final years of the homeschool journey.Jennifer Gehman has graduated three of her five children from homeschool high school. One has completed her post-secondary education, and two are currently attending university. Her greatest claim to fame at this time, is that after working through Grade 12 four times (including her own), she is still sane.

12:15 pm – Lunch
12:45 pm – Veteran Homeschooler Q & A

  • A panel of experienced homeschooling parents share their stories and answer your questions about the ins and outs of homeschooling, as they live it.

1:30 pm – Session #3

  • Option A: Fingers in the Dam – Internet Security for Families with Kirby Gehman
    The internet can be a scary place for parents of kids and teens. How do you protect your kids but allow access to the material they need? How do you teach good habits? Kirby will give specific examples of programs and methods to help you feel more in control of internet usage in your house.

    Kirby Gehman has been a computer geek since his first Commodore 64 in September of 1982. He works as a Platinum Technical Support Engineer for the third largest software company in the world.
  • Option B: Families that Fight Together, Stay Together! – Conflict Resolution for the Homeschooling Family with Dave Dyck
    Conflict is an inevitable by-product of the human experience. Spend enough time together in a “real” way with anyone and differences plus tension will arise. Since homeschoolers spend a lot of quality time being “real” with one another (which is fun!) we also have a lot of opportunity to fight (which is way less fun).  But does it always have to be that way? How could conflict in the homeschooling family represent an opportunity? An opportunity, you say? An opportunity for what?  Well, come to this one-hour primer to find out! We will explore our assumptions about conflict as well as one or two practical skills that can make a real difference in your homeschooling life, starting the very same day.     

    David Dyck is the father of two homeschooling boys. A seasoned conflict resolution practitioner with over 25 years of experience as a mediator, trainer, facilitator, academic instructor and workplace consultant, Dave has been a Partner of Facilitated Solutions since 2003.  That said, Dave also struggles, like any parent, to deal with conflict between his sons, between his sons and himself, between…you get the idea. But hope springs eternal! Come to this 1-hour primer and find out why.

2:30 pm – Break
2:45 pm – Homeschool Grad Panel

  • Get the real goods on homeschooling from a group of homeschool grads. What was it like to learn and grow up in this way? What advantages or disadvantages has it presented as they transition into work or higher education? What advice would they give to today’s homeschooling parents?

4:00 pm – Closing remarks


USED CURRICULUM SALE – Conference attendees are invited to rent a table and offer used curriculum, books and homeschool resources for sale.  $10 full table; $5 half table.  Select that option and pay when registering for the conference.

TICKETS – Tickets are non-refundable but can be transferred to another individual. Please email [email protected] with names of original purchaser and new attendee.

There is NO NEED to print paper tickets or confirmation emails. Your name will appear on the attendee list at the door.

LUNCH IS NOT PROVIDED: Please bring your own brown bag lunch and a refillable water bottle.

NURSING BABIES ONLY: While we at MASH love toddlers and children, this event cannot accommodate them!

(If digital payment is a concern, please contact MASH for assistance.)












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