Student Vote October 16, 2019

Looking for an opportunity for your kids to experience the voting process firsthand and practice the habits of active and informed citizenship? Dive into the 2019 Federal Election, and join us for a student vote.

MASH will be hosting an official Student Vote Poll!
Wednesday, October 16, 12-3 pm
C2 Centre for Craft
1-329 Cumberland Ave
(Across from Calvary Temple Church in downtown Wpg)

How to get involved:

1. Engage with the campaign. You can use the amazing educational resources and videos available on the Student Vote website.

2. Bring your under 18 years of age family members to cast a ballot at the MASH poll. Elections Canada has provided us with materials to set up a real polling station complete with ballots, a privacy screen and ballot box. Results are tabulated and registered with who releases nationwide results. (Ballots will be printed with the candidates for the Winnipeg Centre riding.)

Parking: There is a 15 min loading zone in front of the building and free parking on Notre Dame west of Hargrave (south side of road all day, north side of road until 3:30 pm). There’s also metered parking on many nearby streets.

About C2 Centre for Craft: This space features exhibitions, a shop, library, and a museum collection featuring local craft. You are welcome to visit the gallery while you’re there voting – admission is always free!