While we call ourselves “homeschoolers,” most of us are actually out in the world as much as we’re at home.  We gather regularly for playdates, field trips, lessons, travelling, exploring, learning, and having fun.  Self-isolation affects our community as much as any other.

By way of continuing to offer vital support and information sharing, MASH presents a series of online conversations geared to connecting our community during a time of self-isolation.

Each conversation will:
-be led by an experienced homeschooling parent (or two).
-take place online via the Zoom app.
-be free and open to homeschooling parents and those who are considering it.

Sessions will take place on Wednesdays in April and May 2020. Check out all the listings and register here. Register in advance, and you will receive an email one hour before the scheduled session giving you the Zoom link and access code.  Some sessions will have limited participant numbers to allow active participation.

photo by Annie Spratt at Unsplash