This is a message from Lindsey from Birds Hill Junior Naturalist Program (please send your responses directly to her by emailing her at [email protected]):

Good afternoon,

There have been several inquiries over the past few months about the park hosting programs for older homeschooling students in grades 7-12 (ages 13-18). I am considering hosting a trial run of these programs over the winter months and would like to gauge how many people would be interested in this sort of a program.

If you have students in your family that are homeschooling in grades 7-12 (ages 13-18) that would be interested in attending outdoor educational programs at Birds Hill Park, could you please reply to this email and let me know how many students and what grades/ages they are. If there is a particular topic or activity your student would like to learn more about in the park, please let me know.

Please note: this is not a registration. This is just an information gathering phase to help me gauge the level of interest before setting dates and program content.

If you do not have homeschooling students in grades 7-12 (ages 13-18), no follow up is required and you can disregard this email.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you for your assistance!

Lindsey Mitton,
Senior Park Interpreter
Birds Hill Provincial Park Manitoba
Environment and Climate Change
Birds Hill District
68092 PR 206 Cooks Creek, MB R5M 0C9
Phone: 204-654-6739

Those that have homeschoolers who are grade 1-6, please see the information about the current Birds Hill Junior Naturalist Homeschooling Program.…/junior-naturalist…/