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Stick & Puck Meet Ups

Join the Chat.

Glenwood CC has a Stick and Puck times from :15pm – 2:30pm and 2:45pm to 4:00pm on Tuesdays starting January. You can register online to reserve your spot, sessions are FREE, but it is limited to 20 participants on the ice per session.

Glenwood CC Puck & Stick Rules & Information:
To ensure the safety of all participants, and due to the growing popularity of Sticks, Rings & Pucks, Glenwood Community Centre will now limit the number of skaters on the ice to 20. Please register online in advance of the session, and our staff will verify participants upon arrival. Just a reminder that children 12 and under MUST be supervised by an adult (18 years of age or older). We appreciate your cooperation as we work to maintain a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Currently, Sticks, Rings & Pucks will be offered every Tuesday, from 1:15pm – 2:30pm and 2:45pm to 4:00pm
commencing January 7, 2025.

To register, please visit:  Puck & Stick Sign Up 

Canlan Sports has a Stick and Puck time from 9:40am – 10:40am on Tuesdays starting in September. You can register online to reserve your spot or walk-in. Each session is $5/person on the ice. The limitation is that there are only 20 spot for each session.

Canlan Sports Stick and Puck Description:
Family Stick & Puck strengths the bond between a parent and child. Hone your hockey skills together, at your own pace. Practice your passing, shooting, and puck control. So bring your pucks and sticks, take your best stride, stay fit and make lasting hockey memories.Don’t forget: Helmet (full facial protection required for participants under 18), gloves, stick, and puck. Full gear is recommended for participants under 11).Age: Participants must be under 13 with an 18+ guardian on ice or rink side.

East St Paul Arena has Stick and Puck time 10:00am – 11:30am on Thursdays starting in October. There is no registration and the sessions are FREE.

East St Paul Arena Rules & Information:

  • All participants must wear a CSA approved helmet
  • Hockey gloves recommended
  • No shinny, scrimmages, games, slap shots, formal instruction, or goalies during Stick & Puck.
  • Only people wearing skates are permitted on the ice.
  • Inappropriate behaviour, language and/or unsafe activities will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the ice.
  • Must bring your own stick and pucks/rings. We won’t have these available on site.

If any questions, please ask Tiffany.

[This is not a MASH Event]

MASH Fall Camping Week

At Birds Hill Campground
Sunday, Sept 15 – Friday, Sept, 20, 2024

Join the Chat

Come for the the week, a few nights or just for the day!

We are hoping you will join us for MASH Camping Week; a week of nature walks, crafts, barbecuing, campfires, and chilling with other homeschooling families. Bring your family, camping gear, and food for a week of activities and fun.

Other optional items to bring:

  • Bikes for getting around the campground
  • Newspaper to contribute for [Newspaper Challenges]
  • Telescope for [Stargazing]
  • Mountain Bikes [Bike Ride]
  • Face Paint for [Face Painting]
  • Costume and Bag for [Trick or Treat]
  • Candy or Goody to pass out for [Trick or Treat]
  • Campsite Decor for [Trick or Treat]
  • Camping Chairs for [Human Battleship]
  • Instrument for [Jammin’ in Jammies]
  • Cool Jammies for [Jammin’ in Jammies]
  • String of choice or charms for [Friendship Bracelets]
  • Popcorn or Jiffy Pop for [Movie Night]


Things to note about the schedule:

  • Group Campsite is Song Bay 01.
  • Red boxes are activities geared towards older kids.
  • Brown boxes are programs put on by Birds Hill Park for our group.
  • Pizza orders need to have your name and a note “to be picked up by MASH” by 5pm on Thursday to the Pizza Hut in Oakbank. Phone: (204) 444-5551 Order online by clicking here.
  • Schedule is just a guideline that is subject to change due to weather and other circumstances.

MASH Camping Week will be centered near Song Bay, the group campsite is Song Bay 01. If you’re camping, it is highly recommended to book near Song Bay. Booking near by allows for the kids to bump into buddies and meet up at the playground easily.

For electrical sites ($22.05/night), book Song Bay or Lark Bay. For basic sites ($17.85/night), book Fox Bay. For full service ($25.20/night), book Swamp Bay Savannah Bay, or Tree Bay (they are farther way from Song Bay). To see where everyone else has booked, please join the chat.

Each family attending is responsible for their own park vehicle permit and campground fee (if camping) as well as their food, beverages, and costs incurred for the week. There are no cost to join the events and no need to signup for join for the day. Every person under the age of 18 is to be under the care of their parent(s) or an appointed adult guardian.

Participation is voluntary, but R-E-S-P-E-C-T is expected.

We are hoping this gives us more time to build connections and create community!

If any questions, please email Tiffany ([email protected]).

TEEN Meet-Ups at the Forks

This is event is still going on every Fridays @ 1:00-2:30pm.
Meet up at the Forks upstairs lounge area near the elevators.

This is UNparented event, however you remain responsible for your own child(ren). This will is an opportunity for teens to connect at a table away from parents. Bring a board game, book, interest or something to work on! Welcome and we hope to see you there!

Parents and younger children are welcome to join, just at a separate table from the teens!

Contact: Michele Merchant

[This is not a MASH event]

Meet the Manitoba Homeschooling Office

Join us Thursday, May 30th from 5:30pm-7:30pm at Bill and Helen Norrie Library for an in depth conversation with the representatives of the Manitoba Homeschooling Office. They will be there to answer your questions on legislation, homeschool forms and etc. If you just have a few questions, you can also join us at the MASH End-of-Year Picnic. The representatives will also be present at the picnic informally.

Infant in arms welcome.

[This is a MASH event]

2024 Kindergarten Graduation

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao Tzu

Let’s celebrate the first steps of these homeschooling journeys at a kindergarten graduation. Join us for an informal ceremony and pictures at Assinboine Park, June 23 @5:00pm. MEETING LOCATION CHANGED TO OUTDOOR GARDENS BY THE LEAF.

Loose schedule:
Welcome Speech
Informal Ceremony Begins (est 20mins)
Pictures @ Outdoor Gardens at the Leaf
Pictures @ Other Locations (to be determined after ceremony)
End at Nature Playground

Please let us know if you have a blurb prepared for you child that you would like us to read. Diplomas will be prepared for those that do not have their own.

Feel free to invite family and friends to attend.

To join the Facebook Chat, DM Rachelle Bueckert de Pinto or Tiffany Twudosichuk.

One small steps for these graduates, one giant leap of their teachers! =)

[This is not a MASH event]

MASH End-of-Year Picnic

Come join us Tuesday, May 28th from 11am to 2pm (possibly later) for the annual MASH End-of-Year Picnic at St Vital Park Playground. Bring a lunch, picnic blanket and hangout with us!

Meet at the picnic shelters.

Please note that representatives from the Manitoba Homeschooling Office to answer any questions you may have on legislation and homeschool forms. You can also join us at ‘Meet the Manitoba Homeschooling Office‘ that Thursday, May 30th from 5:30pm-7:30pm at Bill and Helen Norrie Library for more in depth conversation.

Same picnic, NEW location!

We usually have it at Assiniboine Park Nature Playground, but it seems to be under construction, so note the location change!

Be there, or be^2!

MASH Spring Camping Week

At Birds Hill Campground
Sunday, June 9 – June, 14, 2024

Join the Chat

Come for the the week, a few nights or just for the day!

We are hoping you will join us for MASH Camping Week; a week of beach time, nature walks, crafts, barbecuing, campfires, and fun contests with other homeschooling families. Bring your family, camping gear, and food for a week of activities and fun.

Other optional items to bring:

  • Seal-able clear container for Critter Dipping
  • Hammock (for a hammock village)
  • Potluck food (if you decide to join)
  • Exercise bands and/or Sponges (for Slingin Squishes)
  • Spooky Things (for Spooky Forest)
  • Mug (for Tea Blending)

Schedule (Updated June 3, 2024):

Things to note about the schedule:

  • Group Campsite is Song Bay 01.
  • Blue boxes are activities geared towards older kids.
  • Brown boxes are programs put on by Birds Hill Park for our group.
  • Pizza orders need to have your name and a note “to be picked up by MASH” by 5pm on Thursday to the Pizza Hut in Oakbank. Phone: (204) 444-5551 Order online by clicking here.
  • Schedule is just a guideline that is subject to change due to weather and other circumstances.

MASH Camping Week will be centered near Song Bay, the group campsite is Song Bay 01. If you’re camping, please book near Song Bay. For electrical sites ($22.05/night), book Song Bay or Lark Bay. For basic sites ($17.85/night), book Fox Bay. For full service ($25.20/night), book Swamp Bay Savannah Bay, or Tree Bay (they are farther way from Song Bay). To see where everyone else has booked, please join the chat.

Each family attending is responsible for their own park vehicle permit and campground fee (if camping) as well as their food, beverages, and costs incurred for the week. There are no cost to join the events and no need to signup for join for the day. Every person under the age of 18 is to be under the care of their parent(s) or an appointed adult guardian.

We are hoping this gives us more time to build connections and create community!

Tuesday Homeschooling Community Meet-Ups

The name says most of it, but for more details, keep reading!

Every Tuesday @ 10am-3pm (loosely)
Location:  Sir John Franklin Community Center Outdoor Park
This event is weather dependent. Please join the chat for updates:

Last spring, we reserved the fields for the meet-ups. We had to make sure to get the funds for that. We have learned, it is not necessary so this event is completely FREE!

Park amenities include play structure, swings, sandbox, wading pool, soccer fields, baseball fields, tennis court, basketball nets, benches and public washrooms. If you’re interested in an activity, bring some equipment and it’s always helpful to bring some to share.

Last year, MASH started these meet-ups with some trepidation. After a year of going strong, the community has taken it over to make it their own. We hope the homeschooling community can keep it going.

Think not what your community can do for you, but what you can do for your community. =)

[This is not a MASH event anymore]

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