This Fall, MASH is shifting our annual homeschooling conference online.
We’ve planned seven sessions that will inform and inspire you on the homeschooling journey. Whether you’re new to homeschooling or a seasoned veteran, there’s something here for you.
For the complete playlist on Youtube, visit 2020 MASH Conference YouTube Playlist
September 9
Planning Without Panic: Seeing with Fresh Eyes
You might be thinking…Ack! What have I decided to do!? Don’t panic. Homeschooling is the adventure of a lifetime and one that might surprise you. Come and find out how to “find your why” so you can relax and enjoy the gift presented to you during these uncertain times.
Speaker: Bonnie Ferguson-Baird
September 16
A Day in the Life: Structuring Your Homeschooling Experience
What do homeschoolers do all day? Every family has its own rhythm and flow based on their unique circumstances, needs, and priorities. In this session, you’ll get a glimpse into how three different families structure their learning and living together.
Panelists: Tim Engbrecht, Kat Funk, & Jennifer Smith
September 23
Navigating Learning Challenges
Sometimes our children struggle. They struggle to learn, they struggle to engage, and they struggle to feel good about their learning. And sometimes we as parents can feel like we are in a maze, trying to figure out how to help. Join veteran homeschooling parents who have experienced this struggle with their own children and see how they navigated the maze.
Panelists: Karen Friesen, Linda Thorlakson, & Jennifer Gehman
September 30
Helping our Children Get It and Remember It: Brain Compatible Learning
Since the 1980s, the idea of “brain-compatible learning” and how to use it with school-age children has been explored, but the field of brain research as it relates to teaching and learning has become progressively more popular in the past three decades as the ability to image and track processes in the brain have improved and become more accessible. In this time, education researchers have sought to understand how the results of this research can better inform our teaching practice. In this session, Rachael will discuss how these ideas can help homeschoolers when we work with our children, including how people can more effectively learn and remember new information as well as understand and retain complex concepts. This session will be full of practical ideas which homeschoolers can start using immediately.
Speaker: Rachael Fecyk-Lamb
October 7
Creating Community
As anyone who has tried it can attest, it takes a village to homeschool a child. In this session, four homeschooling parents share the ups and downs of finding or creating community to support their homeschooling journey.
Panelists: Kristen Dawson, Heather Hall, Anna Hunter, & Lisa Wilcox
October 14
The Power of Play for Learning
Many people, including some educators, believe that we need to choose between play opportunities and rigorous academics. Yet the science actually tells us that one is necessary for the other. Play is a primary component of learning. Play fosters healthy brain development and emotional maturation. Play lowers anxiety and frustration and fosters independence. Play is the most important part of childhood. Jennifer will touch on the science behind play-based learning and discuss practical strategies for incorporating play into our homeschools.
Speaker: Jennifer Gehman
October 21
The Joy of Homeschooling Teens
Did you blink your eyes one day only to find yourself homeschooling someone taller than you? Congratulations, you’re now the parent of a teenage homeschooler. The breed is fairly rare and, if given plenty of food and the right blend of autonomy and support, can make a wonderful companion! In this session, four veteran homeschooling parents share their experiences of homeschooling cool people through adolescence.
Panelists: Roxie Ateah, Marilyn Firth, & Deanna Momtchilov