A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao Tzu
Let’s celebrate the first steps of these homeschooling journeys at a kindergarten graduation. Join us for an informal ceremony and pictures at Assinboine Park, June 23 @5:00pm. MEETING LOCATION CHANGED TO OUTDOOR GARDENS BY THE LEAF.
Loose schedule:
Welcome Speech
Informal Ceremony Begins (est 20mins)
Pictures @ Outdoor Gardens at the Leaf
Pictures @ Other Locations (to be determined after ceremony)
End at Nature Playground
Please let us know if you have a blurb prepared for you child that you would like us to read. Diplomas will be prepared for those that do not have their own.
Feel free to invite family and friends to attend.
To join the Facebook Chat, DM Rachelle Bueckert de Pinto or Tiffany Twudosichuk.
One small steps for these graduates, one giant leap of their teachers! =)
[This is not a MASH event]