Hello MASH members,
Our MASH : Spring Picnic is
at St. Vital Park on River Rd in the playground.
Thursday, May 30th 2013 (Rained-Out date : Tuesday, June 11th 2013)
noon – 4:00 pm
St. Vital, Winnipeg
Near the playground there is a washroom.
Bring your Sunscreen if its hot, rubber boots if its wet and warm jackets if its cold.
Bring a Nut-Free Pot-Luck Lunch dish to share with the group. (The dish does not have to feed everyone. Bring your kids favourite.)
In case of rain or wet conditions, I will e-mail by 9:00 am.
There will be only one rained-out date. If we don’t have the MASH : Spring Picnic because of rain on both dates, have a great summer and we will see you at the MASH : Fall Picnic in September. I will e-mail everyone in the begin of September to let you know when the MASH : Fall Picnic will be.
See you all at the park,
MASH Board