Hello MASH members,

You are invited to the MASH Homeschool Information Night.

September 20, 2014
Norberry Glenlee CC, 26 Molgat Ave (behind the Dairy Queen on St. Mary’s Road)
6:30-9:30 pm

Jennifer Gehman will present on the filling out of the Notification packages and her experience with the University of Winnipeg student application process (her daughter was accepted to the university Theatre department this fall.);

Karen Ridd (a long-time unschooling mother of 2 and founding member of the Winnipeg Learning Centre and Such Stuff Players) will share some ideas about creating a support group or network for yourself and your family;

and several teens, Francophones, and veteran homeschoolers will be available during the Question and Answer portion of the evening.

Bring a nut free snack to share, if you are able to.

Also, while we love children, the venue is only conducive to nursing babes.

We’re asking for a $2/per person donation to help off-set the cost of the room rental.

We look forward to seeing you,
The MASH Advisory Team