U of M Gym and Swim

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: April 1, 2016 (4:00pm)

Wednesdays: April 13 – June 15, 2016 (10 weeks)

Phys Ed-Wednesday (1-1:55pm) ($50.00)

    Students ages 6-12 will participate in swimming lessons and/or PE activities such as, but not limited to: archery, racquetball, walleyball, lacrosse & other games

Swimming Programs

    I Can Swim (1:00-2:00pm) ($90.00)

    I Can Swim (2:00-3:00pm) ($90.00)

    Tots (1:00-1:30pm) ($65.00)

    Tots (1:30-2:00pm) ($65.00)

    Swim Patrol (1:00-2:00pm) ($130.00)

    Bronze Cross (12:30-3:00) ($325.00)

    For descriptions of the swimming programs please visit: UM Aquatics

Name of Individuals Coordinating the Event: Ashley Gagnon and Drew Sheffield – Mini U Programs

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: April 1st, 2016 (4:30pm)

Download HomeSchool Waiver Spring 2016  and submit with payment to Drew Sheffield at the U of M not later than April 1st by:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 204-480-1458
Fax: 204-474-7503
Mail or Hand Delivery: 145 Frank Kennedy Centre. The University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2